Single-Leg Stability Workshop with Rudie Jimenez

How do you feel in single leg asana such as warrior 3, half moon, or standing splits? Do you have wobbly ankles? Do your hips rotate in order to accommodate resistant areas? Unsure about whether to bend your knee or straighten your leg?

Single leg stability is a fundamental archetype of movement that every body can access. In this two hour workshop, we will explore optimal ranges of motion, key areas of activation needed in the body for single-leg shapes, as well as exercises to strengthen your brain-body connection while in your yoga practice.

Whether you are working on better overall balance, stronger transitions, ankle mobility, or body proprioception, join Yoga Teacher + Mobility Coach Rudie, for this interactive workshop. Learn how to break down your favourite asana and how to get in and out of them safely.

Date: Saturday March 14th 2020

Location: Pure Yoga Centretown

Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm

Investment: $30 Members | $35 Non-Members

There will be no refunds for this workshop.


